Blockchain for All
Ethereum Co-Founder Joseph Lubin: Blockchain Will Be Most of the Economy in 10-20 Years
Ethereum Co-Founder Joseph Lubin: Blockchain Will Be Most of the Economy in 10-20 Years
Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Joseph Lubin said that he expects the global economy will be 10 times larger in 10 to 20 years, when blockchain is fully ramified, and blockchain will be involved in most of it. Lubin made the statement at the SXSW conference in Austin on March 14.
During the same keynote, Lubin also pointed out that just as nowadays there aren’t many “normal” people using blockchain-based systems, “there weren’t a lot of ‘normal’ people firing email around in 1983.”
He also reiterated the promises of Ethereum 2.0, stating that there are a lot of inefficiencies present in Bitcoin (BTC) and the current version of Ethereum that Ethereum 2.0 won’t have:
“In Bitcoin and currently in Ethereum, you need to have specialized hardware, burn lots of electricity, waste lots of computation, to basically keep everybody in sync. [With Ethereum 2.0, in 18 months] we’ll have a blockchain system much more powerful and scalable that uses orders of magnitude less energy.”
As Cointelegraph recently reported, Lubin also said that blockchain technology and decentralization can benefit content creators and journalists.
The statements mentioned above are also in line with what Lubin said in November last year, when he told a New York Times interviewer that with blockchain, society will move “from a scarcity to an abundance mindset.”
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