00:05 Opening
00:49 Fiat Reporting Product Announcement
01:45 Real Time Reporting
02:42 Tezzigator Website Showcase
06:55 Tezos Baker Fees
09:20 Tezos Baking Payout Schedule
13:15 Tezos First 12 Blocks
14:42 Closing

Tezos Baking Explained with Tezzigator




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We talk with Bo Byrd from Tezzigator – He explains some of the new features Tezzigator is offering with their Tezos Baking Service.

Bo from Tezzigator does a screen share and explains different aspects of the Tezzigator website. Bo also talks about potential fee increase for Tezzigator.

Bo explains Tezos Baking Rewards cycles and how Tezzigator pays out the rewards automatically – however this is not the case for every baker – choose your baker wisely.

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