New General Data Protection Regulation: the importance of protecting your personal information online

Surely in recent weeks, you have not stopped hearing about the importance of personal data protection on this website and many others. And, as you probably know, on May 25, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in all countries of the European Union, a Community regulation that widely develops current Spanish legislation on the subject. data protection.

This new regulation, which supposes a greater commitment on the part of all the people, companies and organizations that, within the EU, treat personal data, introduces new obligations for those responsible for data processing and new rights for users, providing special attention to their consent for the use of their data.

Personal information on the net

The use of personal information, both their own and that of third parties, is a common practice in many social relationships: registrations, contracts … And it is even more so in the online world, as we carry out many activities on the network that involve the transfer of personal data: everything we buy and contract online and what we share daily on social networks, websites, forums, and blogs … After all, publications with information, photos, videos, and audios that, in addition to our own information, can reach affect a third party who sometimes cannot have given your consent for it to be used.

Disseminating data of third parties on the network without their consent, even if we do not do so with malicious intent, can have legal consequences, so we must be aware of the importance of good data treatment.

The Agency for Data Protection

To inform about this topic and raise awareness among the population about the effects that its activity on the Internet can generate, the Spanish Agency for Data Protection has prepared a text that includes those behaviors in which the use of personal information through Internet services It may represent the commission of a crime. The document Data Protection and Crime Prevention includes crimes such as the discovery and disclosure of secrets, threats, coercion, harassment, slander and insults, gender violence, crimes against freedom and sexual indemnity, identity theft, hate crimes, scams or computer damage.

In addition to describing the different forms that these crimes can present, the document includes two specific headings with aspects that must be taken into account about ” How to avoid committing crimes ” and ” Tips to avoid being a victim of them “. Likewise, various materials are collected with information for safe browsing and guaranteeing the exercise of rights in relation to personal information, as well as different resources to which victims of crime or a violation of data protection regulations can go to obtain information or file a complaint.

In addition to this document, and considering the increasing use that children and young people make of the Internet, the AEPD has also presented two guides: Be legal on the Internet, aimed at young people and Teach them to be legal on the Internet, for family members, teachers, and people. close to the minor, which provides useful guidelines and guidelines in order to prevent minors from committing crimes or favoring their commission by third parties without being aware of it.

We can not ignore that the evolution of new technologies and the intensive use of mobile devices, social networks and instant messaging have undoubted advantages for their users, but they have also served as a channel for the proliferation of behaviors that not only can be a violation of the data protection regulations, but also the commission of a crime, sometimes even without the author becoming aware of it, so it is advisable to be more careful than ever.

In the market, there are more and more products destined to help us to avoid this type of situation. This is the case of MGS Hogar Habitual or Multiauto Selección, which offers remote home computer assistance as a guarantee, a service with which a group of professionals can advise you on how to protect your privacy, honor, and reputation on the Internet.


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